

She is the teenager
full of energy,emotion and anger
Rebellion is her nature
Worry about her looks is always there in her mind
But a small praise can make her feel high as sky
I wish I could tell her She is beautiful and didn't need other's praise

She thinks she is strong
but didn't know that she is like rose
whom everyone is ready to crush to smell
She thinks she is smart
She can handle everything on her own
didn't need anyone to interfere
I wish I could tell her she is just a small kid

She thinks all the fairytales in the stories
which she usually watch is always true
She dreams someday a prince will come for happy ending
But didn't know that how much the world is cruel
Everyone is ready to take her advantage
I wish I could make her understand that all her admirer is not her well wisher

She with good intentions in her heart
didn't understand the difference of love or lust in other's eyes
She is in need of friend but not interested in talking with her family
She is reckless but
didn't know that life gonna teach her some hard lesson

I wish I could tell her,please trust me and I will lead you to right path

#teenager #reality #writicoapp #writicopoemchallange #she #WritersWorld