

The pain I feel, runs so deep.
It never fails, to bring me to my knees.
Memories flood in, as tears run down my face.
A broken heart that has been replaced.

The loneliness of the night, it brings such despair.
I long for her embrace, her voice I long to hear.
I keep searching for answers, none can be found.
So many sleepless nights just rolling around and around.

Each day I struggle, pushing myself to the brink.
Fighting back tears, a pain I just can't think.
There's no one to call or talk it out with ease.
This lonely void won't ever leave or cease.
My heart is so heavy and weighed down with sorrow.
Nothing will fill the gap of what I now lack nor borrow.
Trying so hard not to feel the loss of us being apart;

But it's not something I can fix with only my broken heartheart

© Kwabena Adjei-Mensah