

Romance of Land
Beside sandy shores, where waves kiss the land,
Romantic melodies dance upon golden sand.
The salt-scented breeze, a lover's embrace,
Stirring emotions 'neath heavens' embrace.

With every breath, our souls intertwined and true.
Lost in your eyes, the universe unfolds,
Each glance a tale, waiting to be told.
For in those depths, I find solace rare,
A kaleidoscope of wonders we shall share.

The world around us, a canvas of fire,
Wrapped in each other, nothing can compare.
In your presence, I find peace and bliss,
Lost in your eyes, where all worries dismiss.

Amidst nature's grandeur, we shall wander,
Through meadows blossoming, filled with wonder.
The sun as guide, casting its golden gleam,
Illuminating paths where dreams shall teem.

The beauty of the world, amplified by you,
A prism of emotions, pure and true.
Mountains echo our laughter, joyful and free,
As rivers dance, flowing towards destiny.

And as we explore, together we'll seek,
The hidden treasures awaiting those who peek.
In the ancient forests, whispers we shall hear,
An enchanting symphony, soothing and clear.

In fields ablaze, with wildflowers aglow,
We'll breathe in their fragrance, our spirits shall grow.
With every step, our bond will only deepen,
As we surrender to love's harmony so sweetened.

Lost in the magic of this dance, you and I,
Bathing in stardust, our hearts pristine,
Dancing 'neath the heavens, forever entwined,
Our love story written by stars, forever enshrined.

© Flynn Caulfield