

Humanity's Height
In the tapestry of existence, let us delve,
And explore the depths of humanity's self.
What defines the highest form we aspire to be?
If traditions were stripped, what experience would set us free?

Humanity's identity, a question profound,
Where the essence of our being is truly found.
Beyond the boundaries of societal norms and traditions,
Lies the potential for our highest human transmissions.

If not tethered to the customs we've learned,
What facets of existence would truly discern?
In the embrace of pure authenticity,
Could we unlock the beauty of our entirety?

The highest form of humanity, I dare say,
Lies not in conformity, but in the unique way,
Each individual expresses their innate being,
In harmony with others, compassion foreseeing.

In the absence of taught societal norms,
Could we embrace empathy, where compassion reforms?
A world where kindness and understanding reign,
Eradicating prejudices, releasing humanity's strain.

To perfect the human experience, we must seek,
Not indoctrination, but knowledge's mystique.
A thirst for wisdom, an endless exploration,
Igniting critical thinking, fostering transformation.

Embracing diverse perspectives, without prejudice,
Valuing each voice, fostering equality's bliss.
Unraveling the layers that separate and divide,
We'd realize our shared humanity, side by side.

In this realm of perfect human experience,
Individuality thrives, devoid of interference.
Freedom to discover, to grow and to create,
Nurturing the core, our souls elevate.

Knowledge, compassion, and a purpose innate,
Becoming stewards of the world, our ultimate fate,
For in the depths of our authentic selves,
Lies the power to transform, where true wisdom dwells.

So let us envision a world yet unseen,
Where humanity's highest form, in harmony convene,
And in the ceaseless quest to define our domain,
We may unlock the beauty of human potential, reinclaimed.
© NightSwimThePoet