

It seems impossible.
I have tried and I have failed,
I have decided and never fulfilled,
I have battled and never win,
I have risen up and yet on the ground,
I have been bold but yet afraid,
I have attempt but was defeated,

It seems the more I run from something,
the more I even get closer to them,
and the more I try to get closer to something the more they diminish from my eye.
I am having a battle of my own,
an untold battle,
never known by anyone,
I think I can solve it on my own own,
and conquer it on my own but it seems I can't,
I want to share them but it seems something Is saying, to me I will be fine,

I asked back.. when?

..... I strive through them daily and constantly,
I resist some of them and as I resist, millions of them come against me.

A young adult full of big dreams,
trying to get to the stars,
who is finding it even difficult to jump not even to fly.
He attempt it day and night,
and it seems they are impossible to Him.
He knows within Him that he is able and can do it,
He has all the motivation,

He motivate others towards their dreams,
and yet His dreams seems impotent and dormant in His eyes....... He will write and write every idea that will come to His mind but will later see them somewhere in the next year and He will then realize He couldn't achieve that and His situation now is even worse than when He wrote that, He will then beat Himself and will decide to start again.

There are times He don't even want to write anything down...... He knows He shouldn't have to give up but it seems He has to give up but He still doesn't want to give up...... He asked Himself...... What am I going to do now????.... HE even know what to do next but don't know if they are going to succeed for Him.

In all,this, He says to himself, "I will arise and try again, decide again, battle again, be bold again and attempt again.

Its not yet over until is over, there is no harm in trying again. There is nothing wrong on being on the ground but it will be wrong when I remain on the ground. I shall never give up, I will persist through, strive through, I have all what it takes to fulfill my dreams despite the opposition. I shall surely and definitely succeed.

Failure can't held me bound. There is nothing that can resist the determined soul who has definitely decided to succeed and I am that determined soul...... I don't give to defeat.... I learn my lesson from the past but they can't be a prisoner of me. My focus is on the future..... Gradually and gradually am daily getting closer and more closer to my desired destination I don't know when but what I know is, I shall arrive.