

I have a family to examine,
upon a closer look it seems a loveless famine.

they lie about parties and gatherings held in secret,
shame and outcast members and cut ties with no regret.

Yet, in quite the same depressing fashion..turning to friends and strangers..
feeling more alone, but accompanied and comforted at times by community support and self-help endeavors to feel like the same dangers.

I pray for serenity, I beg for peace,
STILL FEELING UNREALING AS I yearn for solace from my demons and beasts

SHE IS ALL RIGHT AND SHE has and forevermore TALKS With and to ANGELS,

It seems this lonely addiction to love and acceptance from others AND self keeps me spinning inside newly predictable hells!!

Round and round with more dizzying confusion..

Endlessly seeking resolution from the fear of fear and illusion!

If ignorance is bliss then PLEASE, I BEG bless me with less awareness as I continue to try to heal,

I dare to not care, but always it seems to overflow with awareness that I care too much and this pain my heart cannot unfeel!

How does it stop, where does the cycle find rest,

I don't know how to remove my heart from my sleeve even when it attacks deep beneath my breast!

so here I sit as the power goes down..

not sure which way is up or if up will always feel like the same face plant in the ground!

I feel the embodiment so deeply of the exclamation, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

And, now ..without power, shall I breathe or hold my breath?