

You'll see one day...
It all seems to be darkness and gloom while down at the bottom where the creatures eat at you.

However, that one small glimmer and shimmer of light reflects off from the top.

Hitting the bottom showing life is not just darkness and gloom.

Life can be kind as you watch new life be brought in. As you witness the caring gestures from strangers you thought were to busy to even notice a no body.

That kindness radiates causing the darkness and gloom you once knew to disappear but on one catch that not everyone can accept.

The catch of letting those creatures burn away with the light while they move forward to what seems to be a happier place.

Now why can't everyone let the creatures rest and stay at bay you may ask.

The fear of what ifs that eats at them. Those creatures become comfort and familiar. If they are gone the fear of more to come plays daunting tricks to the mind.

Someday, they will realize creatures come and go. They will always be there as long as you're willing to battle them.
© BearlyRaquel