

Funny motivational speaking 😊
How about a ride full of funny motivational speaking ,😊🤭
I wish to wish that wish you wish to wish one day ,
I grew up in a house where food was just a rumor,
I grew up in a house where fluent English was just a rumor,
I grew up in a house where purchasing a personal suit was just a rumor,
I grew up in a society where smiling was just a rumor,
I grew up in a classroom where being a monitor was just a rumor of becoming a leader in the future ,
I grew up in a culture where greeting people, " Mwabombeni ," was just a rumor of them having had an hectic day,
I grew up in an environment where planting trees was just a rumor of addressing climate change,
I grew up in a house where a bottle of vatra was just a rumor,
Will you be a motivation speaker for others .
Life is like a banana not even a car can fly .
© Mateo