


Thou art divinely bounteous, my dove
Thou art also sweetly openhearted
Thou art my precious, and belovèd dove
Thou art righteous, and cute, and warmhearted!
Thou art my sweet doe, that hath abutted
With me, and thou hath given my sweet soul
Such an assorted peace, that augmented
My ability to fove, and extol
Thee, my benevolent cerulean bole
I do enjoy thee, when thy dulcet groove
Is burning with good verve, and lighthearted
Becomes my spirit, I do feel brand nove
And my amor, is very wholehearted
Misery has finally departed
My body and soul are happy at last
Peace hath been kindly accelerated
To catch me, it shall nicely be amassed
As a feeling that remains unsurpassed!
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