

Music To Depend on
To find answer in a melody, meaning in words.
Music made by people with something to say, creeps, freaks, and nerds.
It can weave tales of woe, passion, unknown feelings beyond human words.
When there's nothing else in the world, and it's all gone to shit.
At least life isn't pointless, if you got music.
I got a sadistic, selfish need to hear other people bleed.
Just so I know I'm not alone.

Yeah, give me music to depend on.
Life shits on me, I got nowhere to be.
So I need music to depend on.
I got nothing for you, unless you need music to depend on too.

I wanna hear pain, what about you?
I got a lot of pain to give, for all the times I've been screwed.
My body rotten and shattered, made by plastic and broken glass.
Knowing nothing lasts.
I got a desiase with no real cure, boils full of pus, that I don't want anymore.
But there are voices in my head, and friends that are long dead.
And they keep me company, through everything I couldn't be.
And I want to be that voice you don't forget, going round your head.
Telling you you're not dead.

Give me music to depend on.
I can't leave, so I got nowhere to be.
So I need music to depend on.
I got nothing for you, unless you need music to depend on too.

There is no message till you hear one, there is no power until you feel it.
Even if everything goes to shit, you can still find a place in your music.
Make music till you die, don't be afraid and you can fly.
There are stars in the sky, you just need to go up high.
There is not always a reason why.
But don't let life pass you by.
If you need it, there is always music to depend on.
You will always have a song.

#music #song #love

© Kenny Phoenix

Photo by me, all original