

I'm No Longer Hurt By Your Words
I'm no longer hurt by words.
It's no longer a sword
That can easily pierce my heart.
I'm no longer hurt by words.
I am used to this song
That pays no attention to my heart.

I'm no longer hurt by your words.
They've become wind to my ears
Always blowing and never stopping.
I'm no longer hurt by your words.
It's trained my heart to be independent
And brave through the storm.

I'm no longer shaken by your words.
My eyes won't turn red
Because of the insensitivity of your words.
I'm no longer shaken by your words.
I won't question myself
Because of the feeling of being at fault.

I'm no longer moved by these words.
My heart's strong now
Don't worry it's not rebellion.
I'm just not moved by these words anymore.
I've learned to smile even in the hurt.

I'm no longer gonna wonder why?
What if these why's never cease?
Will I continue to live in the shadow of someone's sense of perfection?
I'm growing now
I understand better.
I won't always be applauded.
The good I did will be wiped away the moment I do a mistake.
This too I understand.

I'm just brave now.
I'm just realizing that no matter what,
Or how I try to please the outside
I will still be uncomfortable in the inside.

You're asking me to be me
Yet, that's who I've been all this time.
So to pass across your message
You hurt the soul that was willing to change.

But I'm no longer hurt by your words.
I've grown hearing this song.
I know I can't please you
And you can't understand me.
But if I once said that I hate you
I take it back.
I love you.
But truth is, I can't speak.
My feelings, you can't feel.
My cries, you can't hear.
My heart, you don't listen to.

Don't take my words for rebellion
These are my truths
This is the result of years of hurt and survival.
I survived from depression, rejection and failure.
I survived from failing myself
But what I feared the most, was failing you
But you might not know this.
It's too emotional
Something unusual
Because I've been trained to be brave.

Tears are like humiliation
But before my Father, it's surrender.
You think it's my ego when no tears drop
Sorry, but it's the training I received.
Sometimes I wished I was no more
Or prayed God gave you a better someone
Your words won't flow easily.
Sometimes I saw myself as a curse
A burden too heavy for you to carry
A load you never wished to have.
But what can I do? I exist.

Your words for a long time made me feel inferior
Unwanted, reckless, undeserving, useless
I still feel that way sometimes
But I'm no longer hurt by your words.
It now sounds like a childhood song.

I'm no longer hurt by your words.
I'm no longer shaken by your words.
I'm no longer moved by these words.
I'm grown now
I can hold my emotions.
© L. Emmanuelle