

I know you think I'm crazy,

I get what I deserve.

My sight is beginning hazy.

Do I even have the nerve?

I know you...
are plugged in .

To our skin,
Deep within,
'til it hurts;
'til it's numb
til you think
You got me under your thumb.
i don't care,
what you think.
You can swear.,
You can link .
Go on, try.
Do your best
I'd rather die with the rest!

Your skill-set doesn't scare me,

Had a bed feeling, since birth.
But you underestimated, a baby,
It's your turn , and you get, what's deserved,

I have been used
and abused.
Heard you lie,
Made me cry,

I obeyed you
and still watched you.

I reached my arms towards you,
with my arms stretched.

but I'm left crying on the...