

why am I not enough?
I'm sitting here with tear filled eyes
contemplating over my life and interviewing the the paths of my heart.
I shed more tears each time I revisit my thoughts.
the pain gathered in myself is tough to bare till this step, and i can't any longer.
a part of myself was silenced, if not evicted from the consciousness of my own.
I surrendered my all unto him but he continued as though I just wasn't good enough.
I've gathered a hatred towards the part of me that love him so much and he so little.
promised that he would never.I hate that my mind deceived my heart by convincing my innerself to have faith in him.
I hate that I fell in the a trap to even as much as think that he truly is different from the rest.
to compare our perspectives,
he sees nothing,
but I see a massive sword plunged in my entire beings.
from an angle, that the one who evicted me from my home was visible for all to see.
the ONE person I trusted the MOST.
-Ronwin ft Jansen B
© JansenB