

Moon Child
Her aura is so intense
it’s felt through closed doors
it seeps into every last minuscule skin pore
it fills you up, and cleans you out
like the foaming edges of the ocean shore
try to take too much from her,
she’ll leave you dry and in drought
she won’t regret it,
she’ll leave you there to pout
her intentions are pure,
there is no reason to doubt
and when she laughs
lord she is so loud
but she wears her crooked smile
so perfectly, so proud
those who love her can only profess so in shouts
they tell her over and over again,
until she’s lost count
those who’ve wronged her
always try to come back around
but her back is turned, the chapters are closed,
she cannot be found
she refuses cycles that try to keep her heart limited and spirit bound
because the moon child has a job you see,
her love is needed all across town
somewhere, there is a child sitting ear to ear in frown,
and she’s the only one who finds benefit in watching it turn upside down
© Yazzythealien