

A Scenary Of Regret
No, i didn't catch this fruit,
Scenaries i met is full of ecstasy and gloom,
I draw the sketches, i paint the edges,
With the beauty blows on the rainbow hills,
A gift i accept of saying thankyou and sorry pills,
I brushen up my walls with the mountains of no tilts,
I came and learn with the bounces of felt clauses,
Never matched with man-made browsing pauses,
Earth plays a roller coaster ride,
Thou will amaze with up&down sights,
It takes a courageous flies,
Yes! Sometimes,
Courageous feathers heals through natural curves,
Give the best hits in every nerves,
Crushing the pull over cores drowns away,
Rising again flashes the cosmos on its way.

- Saniya Bedi

Follow my instagram page@souls_voice_we