

Anger and rage keeps my heart on locked down with ball and chains. Once a free bird my limits were unknown, but now that I'm locked inside of this cage it's unknown if my limits could have been sustained. I didn't want to be held against my will here in captivity nor put on display and labeled as deranged. With the utmost disrespect they watch and they studied me ever so profoundly until I flipped the script staring them back down, yet eye contact they would not exchange.
Fear of loathing so it remains a relentless game in which no authenticated player could ever be replaced. now I begin making my own assessment about you as you scribble down chicken scratch into your notebook of illusions making you feel entitled to evaluate. Observations were made each time they tried to penetrate my mind and manipulate.
Stadium seating from all around while I sit in the State of Trance they prep me into a surgical stance lithotomy for a barbaric procedure they call phlebotomy. Try as they might to cut me off from my source like they were cauterizing my main artery.
Now riddle me this, If I am here and she is there never one in the same atmosphere, how you are gonna stop us it's a lil unclear. A rhetorical question, it won't ever happen when we are both aware. It would be harder than living in a lustful world while practicing monogamy.
With every poke to the Beast it would unleash remarks full of derogatory.
I'm not common to find, but I try hard to find common camaraderie.
Strategically trying to think of ways to get the message out has got me feeling like this level is a little harder than I thought it'd be.
Like and Jekyll and Hyde, good cop/ bad cop and I'm the better half of her or is she the better half of me? I guess it doesn't matter cuz we need each other equally.
A systematic problem that has no probability. A egotistical stroke to an old soul that will leave you satisfied spiritually. One in the same we are warriors of God something like the Marines. We were here from day one just like the light that shined with the rise of the sun just like that the alfas are back call us the A-Team. The last ones out as we see you all through to the Final Act because we are also the Omega baby.You know what they say.. Gotta save the best for last. I am the Goat of the zodiac, my horoscope says I'm on the cusp of Prophecy and my mission here would be saving as many souls I possibly can from this hypocrisy. Sprinkling a little bit of seeds wherever I may go, hoping for you to open your minds eye and break free of the karmic chains so they won't hold you hostages inside of purgatory.
© Jessica Rae Johnson