

There I stood quiet.
Addled between wrong or right.
Was it a shadow of a beast more violent than a tiger,
Or was it a man who is worst than a beast.
I stood still, nothing was visible,
Except, that gloomy creature in the gloomy glen.
The moonlit was a betrayal for the phase,hidden within the clouds,above the Ben.
Neither a step could be taken nor I can stand.
The only worst can be done was to breath as slow as I can.
And feel the heavy breath of that hefty unknown beast.
I neither had a torch and surving nor did I had a cell phone to gather a beam of hope.
I just have to cope.
Approached the further steps with a tipe toe moves.
A silent move which none can hear.
just trying to escape before the beast tears.
I kept walking and the beast kept keeping an eye.
With my squeezing depressed voice "Who is there? Can you hear"?.
Do you have the guts to atleast jut?
I heard a wicked laughter,
My throat and mouth was as dry as draught.
I was abasic as if my feet were frozen.
He growled like a wolf as if I was his meat.
I was searching for a cleat.
He had a dagger in his hand,
Saw his wrist having a blood soaked band.
Encroaching and growling.
I screamed and broke the silence in the gloomy glen.
I wasn't the one to be quiet.
If he is a monster then I am the Goddess.
I m with my aegis.
I screamed to the peak.
He approached so much thatI can feel his breath.
I took my toxicant out and pushed into his neck.
I took my scalpel out and incised through his neck.
He tried to show his manly strength,
But alas! he failed.
The moonlight was shining bright,
And the gloomy glen looked as peaceful sight.
The gloom was in it's peak to bloom.

© drsanghitab