

Faults of our acceptance!!
Many of us come across moments...
Where that one question haunts us so bad ...
That we end up being destructed..
"What was my fault ?"
This one question we dont know but devastated so many lives ....
The fault was acceptance...
We are so well Trained by the society
That atleast once before you do something out of the mainstream makes you think "Will it be accepted by them ?" ..
Why why is even this question in the process of our thought procedure when we are pretty sure about the results to us...
Here is where our fault is...
We accept overselves only the way society wants us to be ..not the way we want ourselves to be..
We never accept us to the fullest.
We never accepted our marks..because people around us didn't accept them.
We never accepted our dreams as career because that was not mainstream according to people around us..
We are afraid of not being accepted by people...
But hardly do we realise that we never accepted ourselves..
We never succeeded because we never accepted...
The best power you can give to yourself for anything in life is acceptance.. Start accepting yourself...
Society stops poking in your life..😉