

The flame of love, burning right inside my heart and soul, devouring my entire being.
It's spreading widely, through every part of me, but I happily want to get devoured by this flame.
The flame you had ignited into me, with the unseen magic your love has created.
Thought love wasn't for me, until you came.
You made me attached to you in a way I have never gotten attached to any.
Everyday I wish to be in your arms, snuggling inside your arms, and stealing kisses from you.
You make my heart flutter and dances in a way no one has done it.
I love you with everything in me, every inch of me, every ounce of my emotions and feelings belongs to you.
I feel I could face any storm that comes my way with you by my side.
Oh, how you do, those things that you do that makes me get so lost when I think about you.
I can't seem to stop loving you, because you're now part of my small little world.
© kaya N