

True Soulmates
Write a poem on how you became soulmates and how no obstacle will be able to keep you apart.
We met in 11th june 2020
In the dawn of the day
Both came close..
Saw him for the first time,
His hands were in mine,

We talked the whole way...
We huged each other. ..
We laughed,
We cried,
We fought,
We loved, cared,

Our bond became strong
We understood each others flaws
We misunderstood sometimes
We crossed difficult times together
Still we love each other.

One day, everything was caught!
Mom Dad came to know,
Threatened me about him,
I got scared....

But, i didn't leave his hands.
I am still wid him...
Always be with him
And love the same way as before
No obstacle could separate us.

Many tried, but was in vain.
We believe each other..
We have trust, and unconditional
pure love towards each other.
Both of us believe on God.
God would never separate us.

And that's how we are continuing
peacefully 😌😌

I love him from the core of my
heart, and this is permanent.
If i lose him, no one could take his
place in my heart!
This place is yours my dear. It will be only yours forever.

© Victoria sonai