

Alice of Winterland
In shadows deep, where icy winds blow,
There lies a tale of a woman, cold as snow.
Her heart, encased in frost, a chilling sight,
She navigates the world with a heart so tight.

In love's domain, where warmth should always dwell,
A woman weaves her tale, a frozen spell.
Her smile is like shards of ice, so sharp and cold,
A glacial beauty, stories oft untold.

With gaze of steel, she pierces through tender souls,
Leaving shards of doubt where love once strolled.
Emotions frozen, locked away with might,
She shields her heart from passion's warming light.

Her touch, a frostbite kiss upon the cheek,
Her words, a blizzard's wrath, so harsh and bleak.
She dances upon the hearts of those who yearn,
Leaving them with scars that forever burn.

But hark, beneath that frozen surface lies,
A wounded spirit, veiled by cold disguise.
For deep within, a flame still flickers weak,
A chance for warmth, if only she would seek.

For every heart, no matter how confined,
Yearns to be thawed by love, sweet and kind.
In frozen souls, a spark can still ignite,
Melting the ice, revealing what's inside.

So let us not condemn her cold hearted flu,
For within their depths, a fragile hope ensues.
May love's embrace, like spring's gentle breeze,
Unveil the warmth that hides beneath the freeze.

© Quite Winter