

"Can You Love Me?"
Yes, I may seem petty, but I care deeply about the little and unnoticed,
I invest in the seemingly insignificant, the easily dismissed,
Perhaps I purposefully embrace a childlike joy, seeking genuine reactions,
Yet beneath it all, I hold a mature and thoughtful demeanor,
Maybe you're right, maybe I'm wrong, but can you ease my sensitivity?
Can you help me quiet the overthinking that plagues me, without even realizing it?
Can you become my peace, my solace, without fracturing me further?
Can you paint a smile on my face, sincere and untroubled by doubt?
Can you love me as you desire to be loved, without reservations or doubts?
Can you simply try not to make me feel like a burden, a nuisance to you?
Can you endeavor to cherish our moments, our connection, with tenderness?
Can you just love me, the way you yearn to be loved?
Can you hold me close without asking for reasons, just feeling our warmth intertwine?
Can you hold me close, whispering softly, reassuring me without words or reason?
Can you understand my silence, my unspoken fears, and still stay by my side?
Can you promise to be my shelter, in the storm of my swirling emotions?
Can you weather the tempest with me, and find calm in our chaos together?
I'll weather the tempest with you, and find calm in our chaos together.
In the refuge of our love, we'll dance in the downpour of our souls.
We'll find beauty in the rawness and peace within the storms of our hearts.

© Tashy