The days aint as bright, the night sky ain't as beautiful, as it once was, its darkness everywhere, I can't see a perfect road, I see a blurry bend I think I'm going around again, this life's got me feeling I'm on a carasoul going around and around in my head til nothing's clear all the faces I knew are blurry, all the times I knew and the memories created, the visions going slowly it's all a distant memory, All though I still remember that memory is growing fainter and fainter, I am at my witts ends I am ready to throw in the towel, but just when you think your losing it all cos I look around I am losing everything around me, everyone I came to know and love are gone I can't see no one at all , cos when shit that effects you has an effect on them, they run, then there I see you during the times I see no one I see you, only you, like yo' did I miss that memo, didn't know love came with conditions ,cause when I love I give my all, problem is I give more then I should, more then I will ever receive that I know for sure , I wasn't taught to love purely and wholly but I learnt along the way the things I didn't want ,the shit you do not do, and the shit you do not say, those lines are drawn, U...