

Arranged Marriage
I was Obedient, learnt to cook,
My fun and Freedom, they took
away from me to an unknown man,
that I've never met before oh! dang!!!

I fell in love so did he,
He was my first love,
But I was not his.
As a caterpillar,
who wished to be a butterfly,
I hoped for true love
Thus, only my heart cried.

He loved a girl before
I bloomed like a flower,
with his love.
But, he never forgot,
The girl he loved so he convinced,
My deer-like self to be someone else.

I cried and lost hope in love,
and an angel of hope came to my mind.
I was taught to love myself
before, loving a man I never met,
earlier in my life who knew nothing
about the precious and
peaceful life I got!

© @Paro