

Absolutely No Thank You
Okay, I am appalled.

If you know me, you'd know I am terrified of bugs. Especially big ants and wasps. (lots of love to the people who like bugs, but gee I do not!) I was laying on my bed, which is against a wall, watching YouTube when I turn to my left and there is a giant ant carrying a dead giant ant corpse on my wall. I almost screamed, but it's very late and everyone is asleep, so I just gasped. I froze and watched it drop the dead corpse in between my bed, which landed on my blanket. My blanket was scrunched between the bed and wall. I immediately changed the sheets, covers, and grabbed the blanket and tossed it in the laundry. I have never been so offended by an ant.

Anyway, thought somebody would enjoy my baby-like behavior involving bugs.
Love you guys!
© Twiley6508

(the bug was a black carpenter ant which do bite, or so I've heard.)