

Title: Echoes of solitude
The entire world immersed in love,
Embracing partners like stars above.
Alone, I sit, waiting for night to move,
Envy hidden, yearning for solace to prove.

Distracting myself, seeking to forget,
Finding your presence, a memory set.
Melting ice in Alaska, in Sahara, freezing sweat,
Kohl-lined eyes in the moonlight, a silhouette.

Moon graces the sky, your gaze it mirrors,
Stars shed tears, heart's canvas, quivers.
In darkness, your image persistently shivers,
Eyes shut, your thoughts, my mind delivers.

You're my daily newspaper, a steady reverie,
Morning sunbeam, your memory, a soft decree.
As daylight fades, your thoughts set me free,
Brightening my night, rest comes effortlessly.

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written by: Abdo