

The Date was 20'th of June,
It would be my 17'th birthday,
Am happy as a box of birds.

The exultantly mood turned downcast,
The story is so strict,
For a lenient person to survive.

Raped, forced seclusion followed,
It wrack and ruin me as the "victim",
Am under a cloud.

Knowing the "NO" intrinsic,
The term which denotes the "NO",
The vocal is clarion.

The grim reality,
A heart heaped with pain,
Crying all to myself.

The world daunted me,
All words apocalyptic,
Some annihilated me.

Perpetrator is unencumbered,
And blaming me is moronically,
The happening is anomalist apropos.

End the unparagoned treat,
Justice not predilection,
Any scalawag will behave.

RAPE is reprehensible,
RAPE is repudiated,
RAPE is erroneous.

© Isa Salisu