

my King
He makes me feel special
Bubbles increase in my stomach
The reason to hold on I see
Make him my best friend
Telling him the unthinkable
Doing the uncontrollable
Acting like me

He makes me feel strong
The lady who can do it all alone
Capable of handling all
I have got the courage to take each step
Make some decisions
Without worry of falling
Falling is part growth
So does he say

He has taught me
The difference between emotions
Emotions and ideas
Learnt what to want
And what to build
Fighting for what you want through building
He has made me greater in emotions

He has seen my worth
Though worried
I pray for him
Would fast for his success
Because a prayerful woman
Blessings come with her
I would pray for his protection
Build a kingdom
Him as the King
Ruling with wisdom and Integrity

He is my king
Subordinate ain't an issue if we make it
He is the judge
Giving an idea and conclusion of us
He is a friend
Never leaving during tough times
© jaylous art