

Because of you!
I am who I am and what I am.
looking back I was just a lost soul with no direction, no path nothing to live for my story was n't even written, but here I stand before you a newly renovated man with a deep faith that no one can shake. My story has been written and finally I have a purpose for my life has changed and finally has substance.

I give all praise to God for the blessings and prayers you've answered, withhout you I would be nothing but a another lost soul with no direction and no answers.

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be in a deep commitment with the one I am lucky to have by my side, she is my life withhout her my life wouldn't be right. She has given my story a wonderful beginning, and with my leading lady, this story will have no ending.

My brothers, my sister, my mother and father, all of my children, my cousinns, Aunts, and uncles, my ex-wife, my babies mother's everyone for a reason, and then there are those who have only been but a season.

All have been apart of the shaping of who I have become, my life has been a journey, some painful, some confusion, and some of it was fun, but all of it a learning experience for me and my ministry, if I could change one life with my story I am doing my job diligently.
Lord I am still but a wonderful work in progress, and I placed mymyself with in your hands.

Do with me what you will I am your servant and your messenger, I will remain loyal to you with all that I am.

Kori E Martin Sr.
© Kori E Martin