

Thinking back
There's so much to be said like,
you're the most amazing person that I could ever want to get to know. You know some people try too hard but you amazing is just natural. You meet these people and it's like you never met them, and some you never meet and fall in love with their soul instantly. I thought that if I push you away I wouldn't love you anymore I wish I didn't. You try not to put your real feelings out there afraid of getting hurt but if looked at the right way it doesn't have to be some kinda of love story unless we both want it to be.
It's strange it's hard to be in love with someone that don't even talk to you let alone love you back. And all you want to do is love them. I remember when you first started talking to me. My first thought was are you serious this can't be real, (they like'um young real young what the hell they talking to me for.)
Someone like you isn't easy to forget it's going to take me a minute to get over you.
The holidays are the worst. You use to be there you stole my heart with that non pushing thang you got going on. Yo ass is smooth as ice, that's why I fell in love with you.
(Get a handle on your emotions)
With You? Are You Serious?
Have you met you?

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