

How can blood be differed?
When will people realise?
The soil and country they love is dead, unliving.
The stars are deaf.
And the Sun never resembled hope.
The Moon is lifeless.
And the birds don't care.
That the poets were too hopeful yet helpless.
That all the verses ever written were lies; hyperbolical and metaphorical.

That all we have is you and me.
That it's us and us alone.
That we are sailing in the same ship and know no enemies,
That we are headed to the same island and fear the same water?

Tell me, noble soldier, who teared down hearts with tears in eyes, untill you could not longer differentiate between his blood and yours,
Was this that you realised as you looked into the eyes of your enemy that mirrored yours?

~the universe in her
© z.f.

P.S.—I have not been able to read poems by you all on here lately neither do I have the motivation to post anymore. So bear with me! I will definitely read all the poems once I get over this slumber. I am still writing though (⁠^⁠^⁠)