

Defining moments
Glad that, it made me what I’m today;
Gave me the courage to fight the fate!
Undoubtedly, had plentiful regrets,
Also people, who made my past fruitful.
If I had a time-turner;
Just like Hermione Granger had in Harry Potter!
I would really pity on my past-self.
I was then a cute little girl,
Unaware of the cruel competitive world,
Was just a fool of emotions,
Took tasks too serious,
Cried for little deeds,
Was too close to people,
With an extra flavour of love,
Cried for those beings parting me;
Simply I was then a cry baby and an introvert!

Always stood first in class,
Also in extra-curricular activities,
So called teacher’s pet!
Once, in my seventh class of my schooling,
When the results of a unit test got posted,
I started sobbing, and caught fever that night!
Mom asked the reason for me being sick,
I cried out, “Got second this time!”
Many of my friends,
Still laugh out this episode of mine!
Later few defining moments,
Made me tough!

My first love, my granny,
Whom I considered more than my mom,
Went battling through cancer,
Discerning her suffering,
Made me hard hearted,
Finally, she departed this world;
That event,
Threw me into a world of depression,
Taught me no one is permanent;
But memories remain intact!
I stopped getting connected too much with people,
Grabbed books, just to forget the loss,
That year, I was a bookaholic!

Right then, arrived my next event,
My golden opportunity,
Knocked my door, when I’m fifteen,
It’s the participation,
In a quiz programme, ‘Champion,
Telecasted by ETV, a South Indian television network.
I went to my Dad and said,
“Dad! I know nothing, I’m afraid,
I’ll be ashamed, Let’s go home! Please!!”
Then my dad became my Jambavan,
He comforted me saying,
“You’re more like Hanuman,
You just don’t know that you’re amazing!”
Maybe he’s right,
I won a sum of one lakh,
And the trophy of Champion of the Champions;
I got supporters on my back,
I had haters too!
One of my fellow contestants of the show murmured pointing me,
“Looks like she can’t answer even a single question!”

Just a few moments later,
I became the centre of attraction,
When such mouths got shut,
Mom and dad gave me hugs and kisses of pride,
When the show got aired on television,
People started recognizing me,
I became so popular;
I was also asked for an autograph!
But then denied,
Now, it’s a regret for not making my first autograph!
This taught me, one’s work is never left unrecognised!
The second time, when the ‘Champion’ team,
Called me up for Grand finale,
I was I’ll, had fever, wasn’t actually prepared,
But participated and lost too!
I didn’t feel even a little;
That’s because I started taking things easier!
Situations aren’t always on our side,
Circumstances aren’t about winning or losing;
They’re about facing!
Later on, I’ve suffered some loses,
Also excelled in things my way,
Enjoying every moment to the fullest,
Now, I’m a second year Indian medico;
Being happy with my cute little world!

© Indira Minu