



To be perfect is to be free.
Free from unnecessary burden and the standards of this world.
Free from the concerns of this realm and the opinions of spouse and friends.
Free to be independent and free to be dependent to the Ruler Eternal.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…”
Though it may seems like the infernal crew reigns supreme, though they walk to and from claiming authority over the footstool.
Don't let them dull you, if they could? They would.
Have you seen my servant Job?
The Leviathan is but a stubborn child, he must be taught a lesson.
He was made to be a junior assistant, but he desired to be the president.
I am the residents resistance, I had no choice in the matter; I often wants to hide, far, far away. I often feel closer to the beasts of the field than my own brothers and sisters.
I have no choice in the matter. Only a fool would try to make it on his own.
Give me a cave on the hill and a fishing pole O Lord!
Why me? I am a ex-junky, I have dabble in everything filthy; I am not a Job!
I am a Levite, a Balaam, a Samson and a Saul, call me Benito!
The Supereminent reigns supreme.
Beauty is magnify thru humility, for the skin will freckle, the farkle fade away but the Rule Eternal will remain.
Who is He to set the rules for my life?
The Supereminent reigns supreme.
Who Am I to challenge Him?
The Supereminent reigns supreme!
I am made perfect to be free, because I surrender all to Him who reigns supreme.
The Supereminent reigns supreme…