

Love leads the way through darkness
It's frightening realizing you hurt love. Love was pure, love was playful, love tried and cried, love gave and kept giving. I hurt love for selfish reasons. I don't know how to accept it. I don't know how to replicate it. I don't know it's value so instead I hurt it with misguided principles, abuse, and insensitivity. I shut it down with harsh logic.

But, love is always there. Love is always waiting. It was quiet and patient, strained and exhausted, from trying and crying, and healing it's wounds and my wounds that I selfishly give it to heal.

There came a time where I saw love for what it is, not a challenge/or obstacle to win, not a temporary emotion, not a lie or illusion we live. I saw that it is the truth and it stays with you because it cares. It chooses to give you light throughout the day because it knows you for who you are. Love isn't dehumanizing nor is it demonized. It's gentle and with it's help, you'll see who you are for the first time... in your whole life. Love reflects to you all that you are and it won't stop until you see YOU. All the years I kept mistreating love, to realize that's what I needed all along, love.

© candiplus1