

A Decomposing Heart: Hollywood Lied (poem archive)
The reality and expectations of your first love are muddled by Hollywood’s obsession with happy endings
High school sweethearts
Perfect marriages
Prefect start
But I’m a realist
As much as I dwell in Disney
I know the difference

It starts with a spark
Then fire ablaze
And unknown feeling of desire and haze
An ache in your chest
A sad longing
For her touch, for her love, for her closeness
For her gaze

Then when all falls into play
It’s your perfect dream
Everything you could ever want
Except the distance between
She does everything you’d want in a lover
Everything you need
Never having to ask
For the bare minimum, indeed

But people change
And so does life
You see true colors
That might turn to mites and lice
The fire gets dimmer each time you loose hope
But you pray to the universe for another douse of glow

You drink her in when you first see her
Melt in her embrace of flowers and wonders
Memorize her structure, her curves, her smell
Wishing you had that every day, you dwell
Dwell on the future
Dwell on the past
Dwell on this moment praying to God it will last

But people change
And so does life
And most times Hollywood
Lies about the lice
They lie about how bad it can be
How the burning and itching and pain is of great
No one ever tells you
The toll that it takes

The toll of your first love
The one who got away
Who is everything you want
But you couldn’t stay
Now they no longer love you
You are strangers afar
You watch them drift away
Like a dimming star

You long for them
Your Disney ending
But Hollywood lies
And they are quite condescending
So as your decomposing heart
Becomes the putrid smell of your musk
You rot away in the dark room
From dawn to dusk

Here lies a girl
Who loved too much
And now she rests
In a puddle of blood
It’s rotted and cold
Sticky and dry
Her decomposing heart
A product of Hollywood’s lies

© thecryingchild