

It's funny how life has a way of sneaking up.
One minute you're on the right path,
next thing you know, it knocks you on your ass.
How closely It correlates directly to choices we make.
Every choice, every turn, every decision made.
your life can drastically change after even one mistake.
Sometimes it's hard to tell, if you're headed in the right direction.
yeah we're living our lives, but are we really awake?
So many people, striving for perfection.
they fail to see the more you give, the more they take.
How have We become so blind?
The general population doesn't see the politicians destroying a once great nation?
Or maybe they just turn the other cheek, because they don't mind?
America, now strategically divided.
Our leaders attack us, by distracting us, it's a sign of the times.
They prey on us like wolves prey on sheep.
Scare tactics like covid meant to make us loose sleep.
And while we sit and worry about our families.
One by one, they take away our freedoms,
right under our noses because the state is deep.
How could it have come to this?
How could we have been so blind?
everything is so damn inflated.
Gas prices making me loose my mind.
Politicians getting richer every day.
Serving up new laws for those with special Interests.
They don't care what we have to say. ⁶

Political parties got us divided.
No one seems to see eye to eye.
protests in the streets getting incited.
Record numbers of people getting high.
And let's not forget about the NSA.
What a great big fucking joke.
They're spying on us every single day.
Our justice system is broke.
People can get away with anything these days.
Rich people can do whatever they desire.
Because they can afford to pay to get away.
The need for Justice system reform is dire.
There are secret militias forming everywhere.
Getting prepared to fight.
The government officials better beware.
Because they wont be allowed to take away our constitutional rights.
We the People are fed up with all the lies.
We're sick and tired of watching our country burn.
United we will stand against the tyranny, ready to die.
Believe me when I say, the tides will turn.
most of us fly a blacked out American flag.
no quarters given because they gotta learn.
Joe Biden and his big mouth, what a disgrace.
Declaring war against his own people.
Called over 70 million of us terrorists right to our face.
Can't wait to hear the sequel.
this man is pure evil.
He doesn't think that all men were created equal.
Him and all his socialist Democrat weavels.
13 of my countrymen died for no reason.
Joe Biden should be tried for treason.
the Homeless population is rising every day.
Because the dems took our domestic energy away.
Wasted 3 trillion dollars on a plan that doesn't work.
destroyed thousands of jobs and created record inflation.
He refused to say the names of the brave soldiers that lost lives, what a jerk.
All the while he and little hunter are receiving millions in perks.
Using his power to do the bidding of those Chinese communist party jerks.
He's going down in history as the worst of the worst.
The most horrible president ever.
what a Narcissist,he's a legend in his own mind.
He must think that he's really clever.
Says he's coming for our guns...yeah that'll happen... never.
he's like a cross between chucky and a retarded version of leave it to beaver.
He's officially Labeled the American Deceiver.
Him and his cronies fighting hard to take away your rights.
They don't want us to be able to stand up and fight.
But there is something they don't seem to understand.
and they can't win.
Everybody knows these politicians are all shaking in their shoes.
They know that most of our active duty soldiers are standing behind us.
They threatened us with f 16s like a bunch of little vaginas.
My question is who are they gonna get to fly them.
How are you going to threaten us with our own fighter jets.
Who are the real domestic terrorists here Joe?
Because it's not the MAGA supporters, patriots and Vets that you labeled.
It's time you give up and throw your cards on the table.
If you traitors are feeling froggish, then leap.
I've already prayed the lord my soul to keep.
I'm not afraid to die to save our way of life for my kids and future generations.
And to all you elitists controlling your puppets behind the scenes.
I hate to tell you but you pissed off the wrong team.
Because you just woke up the biggest fighting force that the world has ever seen.
Don't think for a second that you'll get away clean.
Better go hide in your bunkers, or climb a tree.
Because free men and women will fight and die if needs be.
we're the home of the Brave and the land of the free.
We have all pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands.
One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Which means that we have much bigger balls.
and that your little new world order is about to fall.
President Trump said MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,
and there are at least seventy million of us who will answer that call!

© James L. Babcock Jr.

credit is owed to the United States of America for use of the pledge of allegiance.

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