

Sadness Overcomes Me
My thoughts are


I burn them on my skin
I write them on
the surface of the moon

where I write your name
in unsteady hand

My heart
once so full
is now empty
its beat slow

withered and brittle
in this arid season

My eyes
sees red in my
peripheral vision

where your shadow
lingers still

and my soul crushed
under the weight
of lifetimes

lost and found
found and lost

searching for...

My voice
is silent and
my throat sore and raw

from calling out your name

in lonely days and
even lonelier nights

for years and years

and I remember

My mouth
is closed
I no longer
feel the need to speak

for I have said
all that I needed to say

upon listening ears

repeated loops
of "I love you"

and I
will lose you


© abeautifulchaos