

Callous you might call me with the nakedness of my soul displaying by aptitude
Drenched in your blood like the unknown devil by the tomb side
Can I be taken nostalgically to the steps taken outside the restaurant?
To your life at first in sight I grabbed like a glued cobweb, though tiny
The heart whistled silently in joy with the serene of the environment in a gulp
The millisecond it took my heart to fall into pieces with a glance
Could that buy the swerve of the gunshot beside my ears in a little whisper?
Landing right into your skull with the second in a blaze
The way your heavy body landed right in my open arms
The red blood setting my dress and my heart ablaze all at once
The muffled silent cry refusing to escaped through my enstranged lungs
Now the silent descended upon us, the living and the dead there is no different
The thud might be the cause of the heart breaking in pieces who cares?
Find me the shooter at once oh you waiting Mob!
I only met him two seconds ago

© Whitephoenix