

Should she call or should she not?
it's great talking to him, so why it's so difficult to call,
She like his voice, and the sound of his laugh.
His way of living life always motivated her,
she can finally get up of her bed and do some work,
then why do she fears to call?
what has gone wrong, why she just can't call?
He is angry now and she is scared and guilty, because she didn't call?
So how is this gonna end up,
is he gonna abandoned her,
or she is not gonna talk forever?
So after a while finally she regained some courage,and called him,
to her suprise he was not mad and they talked longer than a hour.

© silim

So lately I am experiencing lot of anxiety and depression, so calling someone who I trust is also became a very difficult task for me, so I was not talking to him for a while and I was turning down him everytime he calls but today I was feeling bit okay so I called him, we had a great conversation 😁. Also the sky was looking unbearably beautiful ❤️✌️.