

The Scar of The Star
Is that the life they were talking about?
Is that the happiness that we were supposed to feel?
Life has made sure to appear in its harshest appeal.
We no longer see the light.
All the hope we had turned into awful fright.
A fright of the future and what's going to happen.
Even our pure souls started to blacken.
To suit the society and its disgusting restrictive infractions.
To suit the people and their nasty actions.
Poor pure children of these days.
They're still getting tricked into thinking of life as some sort of a holy praise.
Little do they know about its mischievous haze.
Little do they know that they'll be walking like strays in a chaotic maze.
Wandering here and there.
Trying hardly to not drown into their despair.
That's how it has always been.
Yes, it has always been unfair!
However, we could've made it if we felt a little bit of care.
A hug from a precious person.
Or at least, a reassurance that everything is going to be okay.
A dear connection from a heart that'll calm our mind's fray.
Just look into our soul.
Is there someone out there who's ready to play this critical role?
We just need someone to love the monsters we are.
Someone who's not going to run away once we show him our scar.
Maybe, one day, someone will look at us the way we look at a shiny star.
© R.mahmoud