

After Five Years Six Months Three Weeks And Twenty Days
You see the reflection of your own happiness. In his eyes,

Picture perfect
Like a bouquet of posies,
Like a sky full of sunshine

But still stubbornly there is a foggy gray to them,

In the once recognizable eyes now was a hazy blur of washed sooty colours.

Bleeding as one, following the pupils curve you see the coneflower shade to them.
(And the bags under that)

He grins mischievously, truly like an older brother about to get into trouble, as he opens his mouth to speak. No noise comes out.

He looks like a brother.

—Scratch that—he looks like your brother.

The one who seemingly left, eons ago to never return.

'yet, here he is!' Your mind bullys you into believing. Because he's right there, on the other side of the counter, pressing buttons on the cash register.

tallying up your gas price and snacks for you.

Your mind bullys you again, it wanting scream 'Hey! Remember me? The brother you left behind on the docks to a new life?'

You crumple.

'Even If you did remember me, would you just ignore me because of it?'

Those mockingly gray eyes, once the colour of the sky on a snowy day. Now filled with gray, a gray that suspiciously reminds you of cigarette smoke.

'He never changed'

Your head screams.

'He never changed, he never changed, he never changed'

"Because why would you?"

You want to scream. "Why would you change for me?"

His eyes widen, his wry grin still there, still plastered on.

And by then, you've already realized your mistake.

"Because I know I can't." He replied softly.

He looked like an older brother.

He used to look like your older brother.

You see the reflection of your own guilt. In his eyes,

The shame and bitterness, and love and hate tumbling with the so familiar pupils.

You pay, and walk out the door.

because he left.

He left eons ago.

He left five years, six months, three weeks and twenty-five days ago.

Now you left him.

Two minutes, forty-four seconds ago,

You slam the car door, and scream.

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