

Nowhere To Be Found
My heart is broken into a million pieces
like glass upon the floor
I try to pick up the pieces and put them back
But they just shatter once more
I’ll never be the same
Yet somehow I’m still whole
Yet somewhere in my life there a hole
A hole that you filled with love
But now sorrow has spilled in
The memories that once brought me joy and happiness
Now also bring me grief
And cause the gate of my eyes to open and the tears to leak out upon the ground
because your nowhere to be found
At least nowhere I can see
But I take comfort in knowing that your watching over me
And that the pain you once felt is no more
But when your pain went away
Is the moment mine began
And its the type of pain that never really ends
When my time comes to join you
I know you’ll be waiting at the door and wagging you little tail

© AnnabellaKGranger