

Don't let people

Our lives are full of negative thoughts,
Not just from you or me.
But many people around us,
I’m sure you will agree.

That man at the grocery store,
Who doesn’t like his job,
That lady down the street from us,
Who acts just like a snob.

Your relative who calls you every day,
With nothing but complaints.
The driver in the car in front,
Who drives nothing like a saint.

There are lots of people here and there,
That let off a negative vibe.
Keep them far from your good vibes,
That is what I would prescribe.

Surround yourself with positivity,
In what you do each day.
And soon you see the strength you have,
To keep negativity away.

surround yourself with positivity, in what you do each day

No More Unhappy People
by Catherine Pulsifer, © 2015

There are many people in life,
That try and bring you down.
These people are very selfish,
And enjoy making you frown.

And then there are others,
Who don't even see what they do.
They unintentionally do certain things,
That has an effect on you.

The problem with all these people,
Is it's the same every time.
You feel yourself getting madder,
And forget they're not worth a dime.

Why do we let them do this,
Every time they are around.
We need to start remembering,
That it's our choice to put on the frown.

And more importantly, there are others,
Who are kind and sweet and smart.
These are the people we should be around,
It's time to make a new start.

Let's stop letting certain people,
Get the best of who we are.
They don't deserve our feelings,
Our tears or words by far.

We don't need them in our lives,
But if they have to be.
I'll hold my head up high,
And not let them get to me.

We will focus on the good,
And all the loving people.
It's time we honor those,
And life will be more peaceful!

you cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people joel osteen

Positive people have
Positive expectations in their lives
And most of their days are successful.

Negative people have
Negative expectations in their lives
And most of their days are unsuccessful.