

I know
Don't think that we don't know
the problems that you've caused
The separation I
of 6 ft
It's put the whole world on pause
we call you #deepstate and you tend to hide in plain sight
you do your dirty underhanded work
in the darkness of the night
you created the federal reserve while we were all asleep
you thought no one would find out
you disgusting little creep
now I see your plans unfolding
but most of the sheep are blind
you take advantage of thier fears
you force feed them all your bullshit on the news every night at 6, 7, 8,and 9
We know that the news is controlled by 3 fear mongering pricks
who feel the need to dominate
because of your 1 inch little dicks
All your money cannot save you from the inevitable end
you and your friends will be exposed
to hell is where your going and the creator is the one who sends
from your corrupt politicians and your child sex slaves
didn't any one teach you about the consiquences
for the way that you behave
Keep fooling yourselves that you will get away with what you have done and all the evil that you see
one by one I'll find you
but you'll never see me
See I've been trained to hunt monsters that hide amongst us in the dark
Im called a devil dog
my bite is so much worse than my bark
We can feel the change coming as the rope tightens around your neck
Nothing now will save you
natural or man made tech
As your legs get softer as your body feels like fire
you'll realize when it hits you
you will only die tired
As the hand of death grips you up and your judgement has come to call
you won't be ignorant any longer
as you body starts to fall
and smoke with flames and screams reach your ears
you shouldn't sell your soul
in the end you face your fears
I just may make an appearance to watch your souls confined
where you will suffer and feel all the pain you caused
until the end if time
The eye is always watching you and it forgives and thats a quote
I'm just a human being and I have a tiny flaw because I don't..
Deep State your time is coming soon and I hopeI live to see your end
If I have the opportunity
I'll end you if I can.
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