The Moon Crown
The selenophilic moon shines
full of its loving glory,
falling from the epitome of artistic muse;
snuggles right into my heart.
It's placid, calm and white
with it's erotic eeriness and eccentricities,
calmly watching over the earth
cradling it to sleep.
My feet unsteady, hair a beautiful mess,
my eyes indulgent and deep as the sky;
where the moon resides.
I look over to it with glinting eyes,
~~eyes that are the infants of the moon~~
looked amused.
full of its loving glory,
falling from the epitome of artistic muse;
snuggles right into my heart.
It's placid, calm and white
with it's erotic eeriness and eccentricities,
calmly watching over the earth
cradling it to sleep.
My feet unsteady, hair a beautiful mess,
my eyes indulgent and deep as the sky;
where the moon resides.
I look over to it with glinting eyes,
~~eyes that are the infants of the moon~~
looked amused.