

Lover boy's life is in Danger 😢
Rage isn't like fire, it's ice cold
No sympathy,
your tears will be transfixed on your cheeks
as I'll watch you , shriveling under my words

Revenge isn't sweet, it's crazy
a good woman would forgive you for this
a bad one, might curse your ancestory
but killing you in one shot, isn't my plan
letting you run away from me? it's not that easy
how stupid of you, to believe my every word
because now I'll turn them upside down
hang you on the rope of promises
and suffocate you boy,
I'll murder every living cell inside you

Hatred isn't forgiving
there's no self doubt in my actions
no second chances,
you will recieve exactly what you deserve
and I'll make sure to serve my dishes poisoned
I'll break your heart till it's not more an organ, but garbage
I'll dump you back into the same hell where I got your from

Tears are no ointment, that'll heal me from the blades of your betrayal
So instead, I'll bath in your blood
I'll soothe my heart by saying
"We weren't meant to be"
when there's no more you, on this planet

you've seen my love, now enjoy my wrath...

© nervous_system