

International Peace Day

The world does need peace
A peace built on foundations of equity and justice
One that does not hide domination, exploitation and oppression
But one which liberates humans from its hidden forms

A peace which unleashes the innate human qualities
Of love and harmony, mutual living and co-existence
Where humans cooperate to achieve a higher form of peace
Eradicating the domestic walls built on differentiation
Of nation, class, religion, race, caste and gender

Where violence in all its forms are ended
Physical, Psychological, Social or Economic
Of humans against humans, humans against nature
Where relationships between humans are built on equity
And the mutual differences in all its forms are celebrated

Where wars of all kinds and forms are put an end to
Religious, Racial, Ethnic or National
And a permanent peace established
Thus establishing a harmonious world which address genuine human needs
© T Navin