

Maybe I don't belong.
perhaps I don't fit.
I hate it, when I don't even feel strong. It almost feels like I've been hit.
It almost makes me want to quit.
That is something I don't usually like to admit.
I just get so tired of all the bullshit.
It almost feels as if I'm in a baseball game called life. but never let out of the pit.
I'm the one player that they often omit.
In this game of life and love.
I'm the one that never gets thought of.
I want to give up on love.
I feel like a baseball player that forgot to wear her glove.
I'm always the one that they seem to forget about.
Why is it that I can't be the one that gets chosen, from all the rest.
For once I'd like to feel like someone likes me the best.
Just to feel their arms wrapped around me, as I lay my head upon their chest and finally let my tired body rest.
Then maybe I'd stop feeling this stressed and not so depressed. Sometimes I wonder if all these failures I'm going through, are all just a bunch of tests.
I wish I could find God and protest. Yes I know that I should feel blessed for being on this lifes quest.
But it hurts that I invested so much time and energy on someone, that wasted my time.
I suppose we all have done that from time to time.
I just wish God would have at least helped, by showing me a sign,
You know from up above, some often call it the divine.
Maybe then would I have known he was never suppose to be mine.
If only I could see my life's final design.
maybe then i'd be able to decline his advances and not whine and never pine for someone that turned out to be nothing more but slime.
I simply would have never got in this line. It would have definitely saved me so much time and right now i'd feel fine.
© Stephanie mh