

Sorrowful Indignation
Many attempts to lend my empathic broken hand has it's limitations,

I cannot hold the treason given with the anguish I'm living in frustration,

The denial for acceptance is her curse but it only gets worse with mutations,

The addict will always be selfish, no self conviction for her lack of reflection,

Alone to take care of our blooms, I cannot condone this families amputation,

She'll never take responsibility, leaving her first born twice garnished a reputation,

The Motherly is loveless who carries no compassion in her premeditation,

Forgetting the future to live in the past has given our family mutilations,

Her longing for resusicating retaliation is endless in her soulless incarceration,

I'll never get through, she'll never budge or move, our love died in disintegration,

Long ago after the discard from her low blow, everything became a hallucination,

Years of flavorless deceit cannot return with a receipt, complete dissociation,

The past is complete, I'm on my feet, with her future bleak in resignation,

Without control over the missing part of her soul suffering from oxidation,

Lovejoy to love lost is the fluctuating side effects of Sorrowful Indignation.
© Kenny Pariseau