

African Political Slavery
In lands where sun-kissed savannahs stretch, A tale of political slavery etched, African soil, once proud and free, Now bears the burden of a painful decree. Black souls, once warriors of might, Bound by chains,stripped of their right,Political slavery, a cruel affliction, Impacts the Black race with deep conviction.
Colonial powers, with cunning deceit, Divided nations,sowing seeds of defeat, Borders drawn, slicing through ancestral lands,Fragmenting unity with ruthless hands. Leaders rise, with promises grand, But corruption spreads like shifting sand, Exploiting resources, wealth they amass, morass. Economic shackles,tightly wound,Leaving the Black race on uncertain ground,Wealth disparity widens, a gaping divide,As the few thrive,the masses subside.
Yet, hope persists, in resilient hearts, African spirit,refusing to depart,Voices rise,demanding change, Breaking the chains of this political range. Education blooms, empowering minds,
Seeking justice,a future that binds,Unity
and strength, a collective plea, To overcome the effects of this slavery. For Africa's legacy, so rich and vast,Shall rise above this shadow cast,A beacon of hope,shining bright,Reclaiming freedom, embracing the light. So let us stand,hand in hand, United against this political brand, Together we'll forge a better way, And rewrite the tale of Africa's today.
© thekennyadetule